What if one of the most profound ways you can #BeAnAdvocate is by learning to hone your “empathy” skills. Not being above or below but with someone. Research is showing the United States is getting WORSE at empathy and yet in our small town, we can buck the trend. To be a good citizen we need to
Hi Advocates! How is your weekend? We are so grateful for your willingness to develop new advocacy skills, including this very hard one of LISTENING. Did you know that different cultures, ages, and genders have different ways of expressing themselves? What is your way of expressing yourself? How do you want to be heard when
One repeated narrative in our survey so far is the shaming of kids who were bullied or bullying. We know the school district is working hard with limited resources. We aim to solve by creating collaboration parent to parent, outside the school system and will be organizing a May forum for collaboration and discussion. Until
Hi there. How are you right now? We are so glad you are here. So one simple habit you can get into when you are out and about on the coast is to start asking yourself this simple question, “Who is not here?” When we start paying attention we start noticing locations/events / etc. that
Good day everyone! How are you? How have you been inclusive today? One thing folks who are part of the “in” group can do to advocate for those who are in “out” groups in our community is to use their own IN status and platform to elevate, amplify and spotlight underrepresented folks. Invite them onto